The Free Citizen Newsblog ( formerly the Free Citizen Newsletter )..........

......Is a misnomer in that we are not about obtaining citizenship or immigration but about leading the way to entrepreneurial revival of our citizenry offering useful info for your total well-being: health, wealth, multiple streams of income, asset protection, opportunities from sites we`re affiliated with and not. Join the health & entrepreneurial revolution! Recession? Layoffs? Cutbacks? Furloughs? Ball-and-chain-jerk-employment? Bailout? Stimulus? Real change starts here! To your total well-being, join the health and entrepreneurial revolution and save our American people seeking leaders online.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to the Free Citizen Newsblog!

    Welcome to the newsblog.  Welcome back readers of our old newsletter which was a part of the "big mail" - mailorder/info business typed with the old courier style typewriter.  It`s been many years since I`ve finally gotten around to getting back into publishing the old with the new, that is figuring how best to change with the times.  I still get some of the old "big mail" programs but with postage rates changing evermore I wonder when the old school will evolve into "e-bigmail"!  I`m sure, as I remember seeing some "paper" programs emailed to me in years past.  There`s got to be a way to have the old restored to fit in with the electronic age as there have been common methods of marketing for both such as the "affiliate marketing".  Links of all kinds from email addresses to banners should replace paper advertising.  This e-newsletter I chose to put in a blog form is to be somewhat informal and fun as well as informative.  Besides, I heard that the post office is planning to raise first class rates and it would be wise to invest beforehand in some "forever stamps", for bill paying that must be mailed of course and barter.
     To your total well-being: a blog devoted to vital entrepreneurial info - health, wealth, asset protection to name a few facets for an entrepreneurship renaissance.  Can`t beat them? Join them!  Unlike businesses that have been gouging customers to survive, start your business to run to provide extra-mile service as can be afforded.  Even if the only business you can afford to get involved with is network marketing at least it`s a start.  To this day, other business start-ups you hear advertising on radio still "poo-poo the pyramids"!  When you consider these last years of corrupt companies giving business a bad name one wonders why there are any "pyramid" critics still beating a dead horse.  A nation that began with proprietorships and family businesses can  revive and return to the same.  Start networking now.  A big picture look at the economy - there are various examples of "When your neighbor loses his job ( or most of it via downsizing ) it`s a recession, but when you lose yours it`s a depresion.".  In my area people still think it won`t happen to them and still live for their day-to-day reality-escape drug be it sports, movies, check-out stand tabloids, or what have you!  Start networking now, meaning whatever type of business you want to be in you need to market yourself.  Don`t wait `til your neighbor loses his job to start networking.  Don`t wait `til the supermarket shelves get wiped out to start your entrepreneurial revolution.  The demographics over the last few years are changing rapidly compared to the previous several years.  I noticed in just these last two years a rapid increase in the oriental population in my area concurrent to the global economy so it is probably an influx of Chinese.  When I heard a popular pastor over the radio quote from Deuteronomy 28: 43-44 " Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours, they will have money to lend you, but you will have none to lend them.  In the end they will be your rulers."  He added that tidbit to a sermon on prophecy as a forerunner of end times.  It`s here! It`s dog-eat-dog time!  Looking for multiple streams of income?  Click the link(s) below and check out these for starters,,,                                                                                              To your total well-being, Frank Biddle  - FYI - (highly  recommended)        
IgnatiusPiazza in San Francisco Chronicle
Front Sight
Front Sight in BBC News
Ignatius Piazza
Ignatius Piazza Blog
Ignatius Piazza in Santa Cruz Sentinel
Front Sight in Cybercast
Front Sight in Financial Times
Front Sight in Gun Web Magazine
Ignatius Piazza in San Francisco
Ignatius Piazza in Gun World the magazine